Nanotechnology Research - Universities


Showing results 11 - 20 of 21 of university labs in South Korea:

Concentrated Cultivation of Special Research Areas including Nanomaterials, Nanomechatronics, Applied Nanoscience, and Nanofusion Engineering.
The Department of Nano Fusion Technology provides interdisciplinary education in nanoscience, biotechnology, and nanoelectronics. Graduate students acquire a broad background in nanosystems, nanomolecules, and biomaterials used in energy, environmental, and healthcare applications.
The group studies the broad and interdisciplinary field of nanotechnology from fundamental to application aspects.
The objective of SNU Graphene Research Lab. is to develop futuristic 2-dimensional nanomaterials with enhanced physical/chemical/biological and electrical/mechanical/optical properties, which can be applied to overcome the current limits of IT/BT/ET technologies.
Research on nano-scale hybrid systems comprised of solid state devices and organic materials.
Research fields of the group are flexible organic and hybrid electronics and displays OLEDs, PeLEDs, OFETs); printed organic nanoelectronic devices and solar energy devices (FETs, Memory, PVs); and polymer nanowire printing and electronics (textile electronics, artificial synapses).
The ultimate goal of Choi's Group is to develop a biochip which can be used as a new generation electronic devices. In order to achieve those things, Choi's Group has studied the fundamental and advanced techniques involved in the development of the bio memory.
A new institute supported by Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
The goals of CINAP are to perform outstanding research in the fields of fundamental and applied physics of low-dimensional structures and to produce young scientists committed to nanophysics and nanoscience.
The group focuses on developing the next-generation nanoparticle system in which various components are integrated to show multitasking and enhanced chemical and physical properties.